Celebrating ONE year on!
The Living Bridge Project is on fire and moving forward with incredible momentum!
Come and join our Living Bridge student-led team as we collaborate, activate and connect all members of our amazing Community. Discover the next exciting phase of this highly innovative Jalan Jalan redesigning ‘The Bridge’ collaboration space. Guided by world class Biophilic Architect, Green School parent and truly inspirational mentor to multiple High School students, Jonathan Mizzi.
We invite you to immerse yourself in our students’ enchanting journey into the Wood Wide Web, incorporating Biomimicry, Bioarchitecture and Biophilic design to map out an exciting resilient future.
The Living Bridge encompasses every aspect of an experiential Green School education, encapsulating the tremendous past, present and future of Green School. We will be delving into the ongoing narrative, celebrating and activating our whole Community of learners and to ensure you are an integral part of this evolution in education for our young learners!
It’s a Shift!